Dan Noguera
Credentials: PhD
Position title: Wisconsin Distinguished Professor
Phone: (608) 263-7783
Room: 3204
Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Current Post Docs and PhD Students
Current Masters Students
Grace Enzien
Position title: Masters Student
Co-advised with Timothy Donohue
Sam Scholz
Position title: Masters Student
Co-advised with Timothy Donohue
Former Post Docs and PhD Students
Carly Amstadt
Position title: Former Masters Student
Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District
Rania Bashar
Credentials: Former Post Doc
Position title: Senior Consultant
Moonshot Missions
Civil and Environmental issues to water and wastewater utilities
Middleton, WI
Natalie (Keene) Beach
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Engineer/Technologist
Carollo Engineers
Denver, CO
Pamela Camejo
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Bioinformatics Scientist
Santiago, Chile
(Co-Advised with Prof. Trina McMahon)
Nathan Fortney
Credentials: Former PhD Student/Post Doc
Position title: Associate Research Scientist
Madison, WI
Dan Gall
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Sr Manager AS&T
Gene Therapy
PTC Therapeutics
Holly Springs, NC USA
Ramesh K. Goel
Credentials: Former Post Doc
Position title: Professor
University of Utah
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering & Microbiology Lab
Dhrithiman Gosh
Credentials: Former Post Doc
Position title: Senior Product Scientist
Loam Bio
St. Paul, MN
Chun-Hsiung ("Jason") Hung
Credentials: Former Post Doc
Position title: Professor
National Chung Hsing University
Environmental Engineering
Dae-Wook Kang
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Assistant Professor
The University of Toledo
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Christopher Lawson
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Assistant Professor
University of Toronto
Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(Co-Advised with Prof. Trina McMahon)
Alexandra Linz
Credentials: Former Post Doc
Position title: Associate Research Scientist
Marshfield Clinic
Research Institute
Marshfield, WI USA
Juan Ma
Credentials: Former Visiting Scholar
Position title: Associate Professor
School of Environmental & Municipal Engineering
Lanzhou Jiaotong University
Lanzhou, China
Yanjun Ma
Credentials: Former Post Doc
Position title: Registered Patent Agent
DeWitt LLP Law Firm
Madison, WI
Francisco "Pancho" Moya Flores
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Research Scientist
Microbiome Therapies Initiative (MITI)
Stanford University
San Francisco, California, USA
(Co-Advised with Prof. Trina McMahon)
Hatice E. Okten
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Associate Professor
Izmir Institute of Technology
İzmir, Turkey
J. Zachary Oshlag
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Product Specialist
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Burlington, VT
Ben Oyserman
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: AgroEcosystem Technical Manager
Soil Health/Sustainability
Stein, Aargau, Switzerland
(Co-Advised with Prof. Trina McMahon)
Hee-Deung Park
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Professor
Korea University
School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Seoul, Korea
Jordan Peccia
Credentials: Former Post Doc
Position title: Professor
Yale University
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Chemical & Environmental Engineering
Jose Miguel Perez
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Cheese Scientist
Center for Dairy Research
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI USA
Rodolfo Perez
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Director Standard Development
International WELL Building Institute (IWBI)
New York, NY USA
Gonzalo E. Pizarro
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Professor
Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
Vice Provost for Teaching
Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
John ("Jay") Regan
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Professor
Penn State University
Civil and Environmental Engineering
State College, PA
Paula Rosa
Credentials: PhD
Position title: Post Doc
Adjunct professor at the Federal University of São Carlos
Matt Scarborough
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Assistant Professor, P.E.
University of Vermont in Burlington
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Environmental Microbiome Engineering Research Group (EMERG)
Burlington, VT
(Co-Advised with Prof. Tim Donohue)
Jeffrey Starke
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Executive Director of Master's Across Boundaries
College of Engineering
Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI
(Co-Advised with Prof. Greg Harrington)
German Umana
Credentials: Former Masters Student
Research Associate
Plantible Foods
San Diego, CA USA
Gustavo Uribe Santos
Credentials: Former Masters Student
Position title: Senior Public Service Engineer
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
Madison, WI USA
Hui Wang
Credentials: Former Post Doc
Position title: Senior Scientist
PPD, Inc.
Middleton, WI
Liangliang Wei
Credentials: Former Visiting Scholar
Position title: Associate Professor
School of Municipal & Environmental Engineering
Harbin Institute of Technology
Harbin, China
Liang-Ming Whang
Credentials: Former Post Doc
Position title: Professor
National Cheng Kung University
Sustainable Environment Research Laboratories
Department of Environmental Engineering
Tainan, Taiwan
Jesse Wouters
Credentials: Former Post Doc
Position title: Scientist
Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene
Madison, WI
Lutfu Safak Yilmaz
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Associate Professor
Walhout Lab
Program in Systems Biology
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, MA
Weiping Zhang
Credentials: Former PhD Student
Position title: Environmental Services
Beaverton, OR
Julie Zilles
Credentials: Former Post Doc
Position title: Research Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Crop Sciences
Champaign, IL
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Former Masters Students
- Gustavo Uribe Santos, 2021. Thesis:A Pilot Scale-Study at the Nine Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant: Seasonal Cod and F/M Ratio Trends and Their Application To Modeling Treatment Processes [Senior Public Service Engineer, Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, Madison, WI]
- Nicholas Bayer, 2018. Thesis: A Modeling Approach to Analyze Performance of a Minimal Aeration Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Pilot-Scale Plant [Environmental Engineer, Water/Wastewater at CPL (Clark Patterson Lee), Rochester, NY]
- Evan Chambers, 2018. Thesis: A Pilot Scale Study of Low Dissolved Oxygen Nutrient Removal Supplemented with Ammonia-Based Aeration Controls [Project Engineer, Town & Country Engineering, Inc. Madison, WI]
- Saif Abualkaz, 2018. Graduated from online Masters of Engineering Program [Senior Process Engineer, Royal HaskoningDHV, Amersfoort, The Netherlands]
- Natalie Cook, 2017. Thesis: Analysis of Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Extracellular Organic Carbon Production by Nitrite Oxidizing Bacteria [Water and Wastewater Engineer at Donohue & Associates, Inc., Chicago, IL]
- Brian Owen, 2017, Thesis: Treating Struvite Harvester Effluent with Partial Nitritation-Anammox System [Staff Professional at Carollo Engineers, Boise, ID]
- Duygu Celik, 2016. Thesis: Strategies to Recover Fatty Acids Produced by Rhodobacter sphaeroides [Senior Consultant at Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP, Madison, WI]
- Ming-Hung Hsu. 2016. Thesis: Isolation and characterization of heterotrophic bacteria from an anammox bioreactor [ACE Implementation Engineer / EHS Officer, PSC Biotech, Pomona, CA]
- Diantha (Drown) Glaser, 2016, Thesis: Bench Scale Food Waste Co-digestion at Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District
- Hui Wang, 2016, Thesis: Physical properties of low solids content dairy manure pre and post digestion: Density, solids content, and particle size distribution [see Former Post Doc bio]
- Pamela Camejo, 2015. Thesis: Clades of Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis enriched under cyclic anaerobic and microaerobic conditions simultaneously use different electron acceptors [see Former PhD Student bio]
- Joseph Martirano, 2015. Thesis: Evaluating biological nutrient removal processes in a pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor using low dissolved oxygen aeration [Consulting, Cedar Corporation, Madison, WI]
- Natalie Keene, 2015. Thesis: Toward Energy Positive Wastewater Treatment: Identifying a Strategy to Achieve Stable and Effective Nutrient Removal with Low Dissolved Oxygen Conditions [see Former PhD Student bio]
- Samantha Austin, P.E., 2013. Thesis: Utilization of corn stover hydrolysates by Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Rhodopseudomonas palustris under photoheterotrophic conditions [Environmental Engineer at Strand Associates, Madison, WI]
- Colin Fitzgerald, P.E., 2013. Thesis: Analysis of microbial communities in reactors with efficient low dissolved oxygen nitrification [Process Engineer, Jacobs, Denver, CO]
- Elienisse Rodriguez, 2013. Thesis: Operation of lab-scale reactors aimed at obtaining pure cultures of Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis [Graduate Research Assistant, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico]
- Andrew Corcoran, 2013. Thesis: Pyrosequencing analysis of microbial communities in rock varnish [Environmental Engineer at AECOM, Milwaukee, WI]
- Klare (Keadle) Mueller, 2012. Thesis: Microbial analysis of the effect of polyaluminum chloride on foaming in anaerobic digesters [Regional Environmental Engineer at Innophos, Nashville, TN]
- Benjamin Heidemann, 2012. Thesis: Promotion of Biological Nutrient Removal in a Single Channel Oxidation Ditch [Vice President – Water and Wastewater Services at Town and Country Engineering, Inc., Belleville, WI]
- Erik Wright, 2012. Thesis: Identification of bacterial and archaeal communities in drinking water, from source to tap [Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh]
- Cheng Ji, 2011. Thesis: Reducing struvite formation potential in lab-scale anaerobic digesters by controlled release of phosphate
- Ugur Sohmen, 2011. Thesis: Electron partitioning in continuous Rhodobacter sphaeroides cultures [Research Assistant, Gebze Technical University, Kocaeli, Turkey]
- Francesco Ramos, 2010. Thesis: Diversity of nitrifying bacteria in chloraminated drinking water [Consulting, Milwaukee, WI]
- Shrevas Parnerkar, 2010. Project: mathFISH, a web-based mathematical model of fluorescence in situ hybridization [CPU Design Engineer, Apple, Inc, Austin, TX]
- Megan Corrado, 2009. Thesis: Reducing struvite formation potential in anaerobic digesters by controlled release of phosphate from waste activated sludge First place in the 2009 Central States Water Environment Association student paper competition [Permit Metrics Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Madison, WI]
- Alison Sanders, 2009. Thesis: Rhodobacter sphaeroides biohydrogen production: Identification and analysis of soluble microbial products [Assistant Professor, Environmental Medicine and Public Health and Pediatrics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY]
- Levi Straka, 2009. Thesis: Photosynthetic wastewater treatment [Environmental Research Scientist, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, IL]
- Yi-Kai Su, 2008. Thesis: Stoichiometric and kinetic model of Rhodobacter sphaeroides cultered under photoheterotrophic conditions [R&D Scientist at Therapure Biopharma Inc., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada]
- Yun Kyung Cho, 2008. Thesis: Photosynthetic microbial fuel cell [Graduate Student, Sociology of Gender, UW-Madison]
- James Long, P.E., 2007. Independent Study: Isolation of polyphosphate accumulating organisms [Consulting/Industry]
- Rodolfo Perez-Roa, 2005. Thesis: Effects of localised, low-voltage pulsed electric fields on the development and inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms [see Former PhD Student bio]
- Patricia Sanhueza, 2003. Thesis: Aerated-anoxic EBPR [Environmental Engineer -Scientist III at APTIM, Irvine, CA]
- Vernon Witthuhn, 2003. Thesis: Modeling EBPR [Project Manager, Strand Associates, Inc., Madison, WI]
- Sean Chaparro, P.E., 2002. Thesis: Controlled phosphorus release from EBPR sludge Received the Harrison Prescott Eddy Medal from the Water Environment Federation for a publication in Water Environment Research derived from his MS thesis [Principal Environmental Engineer at Arcadis, Tampa, FL]
- Rafael Perez-Feito, 2001. Thesis: PHA recovery from EBPR [Director of International Operations, Aqualia, Madrid, Spain]
- Scott Buecker, 2001. Independent study: Nutrient removal in wetlands [Sr. Project Engineer, Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services (AE2S), Bozeman, MT]
- Jennifer I. Warner, 2001. Thesis: Microbial source tracking [Regional Liaison, Water Research Foundation, Milwaukee, WI]
- Maura Drnevich, 2000. Thesis: PHA recovery from EBPR [Founder, Maura D. Medical and Scientific Illustrations, and Student, The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine]
- Patrick S. Oldenburg, 1999. Thesis: Effect of monochloramine on the growth of ammonia oxidizing bacteria in drinking water distribution systems 1st place MS thesis award from the American Water Works Association and 2nd place MS Thesis award from Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors [Environmental Engineer, Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources, Eau Claire, WI]
- Matthew Narus, 1999. Thesis: Molecular beacons for fluorescence in situ hybridization [Senior Project Manager at AECOM, Anchorage, AK]
- Glenn Tranowski, 1999. Thesis: Detection of ammonia oxidizing bacteria with fluorescence in situ hybridization [Project Manager, Strand Associates, Inc., Madison, WI]
Former Undergraduate Students
- 2020: James Alvin, Carson Gehl, Michael Liu, Geethaanjali Mohan, Sarah Neufcourt, Mina Stumpfoll
- 2019: Carly Amstadt, Elizabeth Erb, Jonnathan Garcia-Huerta, Carson Gehl, Tara Hawes, Morgan Keck, Geethaanjali Mohan, Frances Palmer, Emma Pezza, Ryan Prestangen, Jenna Rosinski, Jasmine Shah, Mina Stumpfoll, Coty Weathersby, Trenton Weiss
- 2018: Rahim Ansari, Allison Dahlke, Zachary Ehmer, Elizabeth Erb, Jonnathan Garcia-Huerta, Derek Gille, Tara Hawes, Morgan Keck, Griffin Lynch, Tara Meyers, Brandon Nutley, Frances Palmer, Emma Pezza, Cameron Porter, Jasmine Shah, Coty Weathersby, Trenton Weiss
- 2017: Randy Albimona, Rahim Ansari, Kate Dapolito, Elizabeth Erb, Jonathan Garcia-Huerta, Tara Hawes, Tate Hattervig, Janavi Kotamarthi, Nicole Krueger, Madison Leahy, Griffin Lynch, Tara Meyers, Allison Mongan, Brandon Nutley, Cameron Porter, Natha Tansukawat, Coty Weathersby
- 2016: Diana Barrera, Kelsey Bright, Mitchel Dickson, Ian Gois Alves dos Santos, Kate Dapolito, Matthew Dysthe, Elizabeth Erb, Cassandra Ganos, Beau Gotthardt, Nicole Krueger, Griffin Lynch, Allison Mongan, Katie Morse, Alexandria Sabarots, Claudia Santana, Natha Tansukawat, Coty Weathersby, Jing Xie
- 2015: Diana Barrera, Kelsey Bright, Jessica Christian, Mitchel Dickson, Brandon Dunbar, Matthew Dysthe, Elizabeth Erb, Alexandra Fasking, Tyler Gates, Jacqui German, Beau Gotthardt, Madeline Haut, Jia Hui Khoo, Griffin Lynch, Megan Long, Katie Morse, Alyaa Muhammad, Chloe Olson, Alexandria Sabarots, Coty Weathersby, Jennifer Weier, Jing Xie
- 2014: Samuel Acker, Justin Conner, Jessica Christian, Matthew Dysthe, Alexandra Fasking, Tyler Gates, Jacqui German , Bradley Glisczinski, Jia Hui Khoo, Katie Morse, Darisabel Negron, James Olson, Brian Owen, Coty Weathersby, Jennifer Weier, Jaime Yanez
- 2013: Emily Cook, Alexandra Fasking, Vanna Liu, Joe Martirano, James Olson, Ivalin Petkov, Kiley Veldre, Jaime Yanez
- 2012: Clara Chow, Angela Christman, Emily Cook, Rebecca Enders, Jeremy Gasser, Vanna Liu, Nikki Mohapp, Matthew Roland, Sally Shumaker, Jackie Strait, Kiley Veldre
- 2011: Jamie Artin, Clara Chow, Angela Christman, Colin Fitzgerald, Jeremy Gasser, Alex Gorzalski, Ian Hansen, Jaqueline Mejia, Nicole Rusek, Sally Shumaker, Jackie Strait, Abby Wedig
- 2010: Clara Chow, Maria Garay, Alex Gorzalski, Ian Hansen, Gregory Payne
- 2009: Clara Chow
- 2008: Danielle Dewitt, Megan Doyle, Yussuf Jamaa, Paul Maldonado, Florence Olson
- 2007: Lindsey Bergsven, Megan Doyle, Ofelia Ramos
- 2006: Lindsey, Bergsven
- 2005: Erik Winkelmann
- 2004: Kaitlin Krause, Christopher Reichle, Adam Schneider, Erik Winkelmann
- 2003: Kaitlin Krause, Christopher Reichle, Adam Schneider, Ryan Schweitzer
- 2002: Daniel Keymer, Kaitlin Krause, Christopher Reichle
- 2001: Cora Nichols
- 2000: Erika Damschen, Anna Hairrel, Nicholas Orf, Ben Van Roo
- 1999: Erika Damschen, Erik Gessert, Laura Henowski, Maria Morel, Ben Van Roo
- 1998: Angela Giles, Julianne Heard, Laura Henowski, Ryan Patterson
- 1997: Greg Jaeger, Pat Oldenburg
Former High School Interns
2019: Nathaniel Hanson (Verona High School, Verona, WI)
2018: Travis Leuzinger (Mount Horeb High School, Mount Horeb, WI)
2017: Rahim Ansari (Memorial High School, Madison, WI)
2016: Rahim Ansari (Memorial High School, Madison, WI)
2015: Elizabeth Erb (Belleville High School, Belleville WI)
2012: Rowan Meara (West High School, Madison WI)
2011: Alexander Bastian (West High School, Madison WI)
2009: Christina Zhou (Schreiber High School, Port Washington NY)
2008: Clara Chow (Memorial High School, Madison WI)
2007: Lucas Manuelli (West High School, Madison WI) Abstract
2006: Alexander Zielske (West High School, Madison WI)